30 July 2010

The POWER of Regular Savings

Hello everyone! ^^ I am here to share the Power of Regular Savings.

Please ask yourself, “Do you have a proper and clear financial plan? Can you retire? Can you afford the living costs & expenses of 22 years after you retiring (Assume your life expectancy is 77 years old, and you are “retire” on 55 years old according to Malaysian Employment Law)?”

Let’s me show you some facts:
• People are living longer- Life expectancy for woman is 83, and man is 77
• They are marrying and having children later- At retirement age, the children are still in school or university
• 70% of retirees use up all their EPF money within 3 years after retiring
• Inflation rate is 4% in urban areas
• 3 meals a day at RM20 now may cost RM64 in 20 years
• Average price of food stuff has increased by 20.81%
• Medical inflation is 15% each year
• Most Malaysians do not have Financial Security

The principles of SAVING
It’s not How Much, but Where & How you save is important

so HOW?
•Put in (save) money regularly at a fixed period of time with a fixed amount
•Applying Ringgit Cost Averaging (RCA) to take advantages of market volatility
•Medium to Long Term

Buy more units when prices are low. Fewer units when prices are high. Ultimately, you will achieve a lower average cost which translates into a higher return when the market recovers.

While there can be no assurance that any investment strategy will prevent losses, RCA will mitigate the risk
of making a single large investment at a time when the market is near its high.

Public Mutual Berhad (“PMB”)
• The largest private unit trust company in Malaysia
• Manage more than 70 funds with total Net Asset Value (NAV) of more than RM35.9 billion
• Market Leader with market share of 40.7%
• More than 2,320,000 account holders
• Wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank

WHO can help you?
I am the Unit Trust Consultant of PMB and you are welcome to contact me via my email:
chaishuan@hotmail.com, or msn: cozzmint@hotmail.com if you want to know more about this.

So, Let’s Create Early Accumulate Regularly and enjoy the Power of Regular Savings if you wish for a better future!

I wish everyone a very Happy Investing =)
(Reference: Sunday Star and July 2010 Bulletin)